Information and Resources for Current Students
Academic Information for NYCTCM Students
Download PDFs of our schedules and academic calendars.

Schedules & Calendar
NYCTCM Publications
To learn about our programs, course descriptions, academic policies, and more, click here.
Student Services
Advising & Counseling
Our Academic Advisor and other staff and faculty members are available to current students for advising and career counseling. All students are encouraged to make use of the available expertise of our staff before making important academic or career choices. In addition, NYCTCM
offers a peer-tutoring program.
Financial Aid
NYCTCM has been approved by the U.S. Depatment of Education to participate in the Direct Loan program. In connection with this, we offer a full range of financial aid advising and administrative services to current students.
Library & Bookstore
Our library and bookstore features a growing collection of thousands of book, journals, and videos on both Eastern and Western medicine. Students have access to an E-database of our library’s collection.
Disability Services
NYCTCM will provide reasonable accommodations to enrolled students with documented disabilities. Such accommodations will be determined on an individual basis. Students who request accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act must submit the Disability Accommodations Petition Form.
Campus Access Hours
4th, 5th, & 6th Floor Suite Schedules
- There is no access outside of the above hours.
- HVAC is not available in the 4th floor after 4PM on Saturdays and entire day on Sundays.
- ID card is required at all time.